An endorsement is a way of incorporating any alterations to your car insurance policy. Read on to find out how significant it is to have accurate information in your insurance documents.
To drive on the Indian roads, we need to have a valid car insurance. What many among us are not aware is that the insurance policy should have accurate information on it to evade any disputes during claims. Many a times, we choose to overlook certain incorrect information like the cubic capacity of the car or the manufacturing year of the car assuming it doesn’t affect anything. On the other hand, you’ll be amazed to learn that factors like these not only affect your premium but also the claim.
Hence, it’s vital to check your policy document, once you receive, for its accuracy. And if you find any information that is inappropriate or there has been any change in your car details since you bought the insurance cover, it’s your liability to get the same amended by the insurer. These alterations are integrated in your insurance policy through an endorsement.
What is Endorsement?
Any change you request in your car insurance policy is incorporated through an Endorsement. It is like an addendum to your existing policy which records the stated change/s and the policy detail is changed according to the relevant endorsement.
What are the different types of Endorsements in a car insurance policy?
You can affect changes in your car insurance plan due to several scenarios which include the following:
A change/correction in the engine number
A change/correction in the chassis number
A change/correction in the Registration Number
A change/correction in your name
A change/correction in your address
A change/correction in your mobile number and/or your email id
An inclusion of a CNG/LPG Kit
Including or increasing the voluntary deductible
A change/correction in passengers covered or the seating capacity of your vehicle
A change/correction in your car’s variant
A change/correction in your car’s cubic capacity
A change/correction in the make and model of the car
Any correction in the No Claim Bonus
Any premium mismatch
Change in the details of the nominee
A change/correction in your vehicle's fuel type
A change/correction in the vehicle's year of manufacturing
A change/correction in the Insured Declared Value (IDV) of your vehicle
A transfer of ownership
Any addition or deletion of electrical accessories
Any addition or deletion of zero debt
All these scenarios may call for a change in your original policy which will require an Endorsement.
Steps to follow for endorsements?
Endorsements are a simple affair. They can be done by submitting a request letter to your insurance provider along with the documents to substantiate the change. The insurance company will then make the necessary changes after checking for the correctness of the changes sought.
What will the endorsement entail?
Though endorsements are an easy task and just require the completion and submission of the required documents (request letter along with the proof of the change), some endorsements may also call for an increase or decrease in the amount of premium. For instance, if the cubic capacity of the vehicle changes or if the make and model of the vehicle is upgraded, the premium will increase and you will be required to pay an additional amount of premium. On the other hand, any deletion of electronic accessories or addition of safety devices may also reduce the premium. The decision to increase or decrease the premium and the relevant amount rests with the company.
Coverfox Verdict:
If there are any variations in your car details since you bought the insurance cover or need any alteration in the details printed on your policy documents, you should instantaneously intimate the same to your insurer and get the necessary rectifications done in your insurance policy. Failing to do so, it might severely affect the claim, whenever raised. Hence, to be on a safer side and to ensure a successful claim settlement in future, your insurance policy should be up-to-date with the correct information. For any further questions you may have regarding the subject, please contact Coverfox at 1800-209-9930.